Eastling Village Hall
Chair: Paul Ainsworth
Hon Secretary: Sue Parry
Hon Treasurer: Tim Philpott
Bookings Secretary: Annie Adams
Roy Piles (Short Mat Bowls Club)
Glen Charter (Village representative)
Rob Walker (Village representative)
Mark Harlow (Village representative)
Charlie Wood (Village representative)
Chris Child (Village Representative)
In 1993, Eastling villagers decided that they wanted a new village hall. The old one - a converted First World War military hut, acquired from the former Throwley aerodrome and erected in the 1920s - had fallen far short of what was needed.
With the involvement of Eastling Parish Council, representatives of the Committee for the "old" Village Hall and the village community at large, a Steering Group was formed to gather local opinion and investigate options.
By December 1994, a Fund Raising Committee had been formed, going on to raise over £40,000 in four years. An approach to Lord Harris, persuaded him to donate a plot of land in Kettle Hill Road as the site for a new Hall.
After widespread consultation on the scheme, formation of a Charitable Trust to operate the new Hall and preparation of a business plan, Architects Lee Evans de Moubray were appointed in June 1996.
In October 1996, Swale Council granted planning permission and in November 1996 offered Grants totalling £50,000. In September 1997, Kent County Council offered £84,500 towards the project. Delays in obtaining these grants had allowed time to improve the Hall design and in November 1997, planning permission was granted for a modified scheme.
Building work by Fullers of Faversham started on the Kettle Hill Road site in December 1997..... only to be seriously delayed by wet weather in January and February.
With completion of building work, the £185,000 Hall opened on September 5 1998. The Hall Trust held its first Annual General Meeting in April 1999, electing a new Management Committee and Trustees.
This, in turn, encouraged a number of new activities in the village, including a horticultural society and a short mat bowls club.